Jackson Carlaw: Sturgeon’s Brexit games must stop

15 May 2017


The Scottish Conservatives have accused Nicola Sturgeon of “playing political games” with Brexit.

The SNP leader said she wanted the Scottish Government to be “at the top table in Brexit negotiations.”

At the same time, she said she wanted to strengthen her hand as she seeks to impose a second, unwanted independence referendum on Scotland.

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“The only conclusion to be reached from this is that Nicola Sturgeon has now gone entirely through the looking glass.

“Let’s be clear about what she says she now wants.

“She says she wants to decide how Brexit is designed for the whole of the UK – even though SNP Ministers want that deal to fail.

“At the same time, she also wants to impose an independence referendum campaign on Scotland to try and split the UK in two.

“It is a ridiculous position to take.

“The SNP is in a complete shambles on independence and Europe, and the cracks are now beginning to show.

“Nicola Sturgeon should stop the political games, drop her plan for an unwanted second referendum and seek to make Brexit work for all of us.

“If re-elected, a Conservative UK Government will get on with the job of delivering the best Brexit deal for all of us in the UK, including Scotland.”

Giving evidence to a Holyrood committee last week, Nicola Sturgeon’s Brexit minister, Michael Russell, predicted talks to leave the EU would fail, paving the way for independence.