It’s time to right a wrong – message to WASPI Lobby – Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour
delivering a message of support to
people lobbying for Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI), said:

My best wishes and International
Women’s Day greetings to everyone supporting today’s WASPI lobby.

You are highlighting a grave injustice.
The Coalition Government’s decision to move the goalposts, by bringing the
equalisation of the state pension age forward by a further two years to 2018,
was plain wrong.

It was a betrayal of tens of thousands
of women who had planned for their retirement based on the 1995 legislation.

It was justified by claims Britain
needed a dose of austerity – yet at the same time tax cuts worth billions have
been given to big companies and the very wealthy.

Today, we can expect the Chancellor to
boast that the economy is doing better than expected. But will he do anything
to right this wrong? I very much doubt it.

Labour is already committed to
extending Pension Credit to help those worst hit by this callous change.

We are also developing solutions for
those affected who would not be entitled to Pension Credit. And we will
continue to consult with WASPI and others on this as part of our planning for

I am sorry I cannot join you today. I
will be in the Chamber of the House of Commons for the Budget statement, ready
to respond.

My speech will challenge the
Government’s policy of endless austerity for the many, alongside generous tax
giveaways for their wealthy and privileged friends.

My thoughts are with you today. I
congratulate you on your stand and look forward to working with you to achieve

Best wishes

Jeremy Corbyn

Leader of the Labour Party