It is unbelievable that the Government is planning further privatisation to the justice system – Richard Burgon

Richard Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary, responding to
Government proposals to
privatise the collection of court fines
, said:

“It is unbelievable that the Government is planning further
privatisation to the justice system. 

“The outsourcing of Civil Enforcement Officers will combine weaker
oversight with pressure to maximise profits and risks more and more people
becoming victim of rogue private bailiffs.

“A previous attempt to privatise all enforcement work was
abandoned, but
only after the Conservative government had wasted millions of pounds of
taxpayers’ money pursuing it. It should not be putting such a flawed idea back
on the table.

“From the deep failures in the part-privatised probation system to
the scandal surrounding G4S tagging contracts, the Conservative Government’s
obsession with privatisation is at the expense of delivering a fair justice
system that works for all.”