It is completely unacceptable that Kensington and Chelsea would rather cancel their meeting than obey court ruling to provide for a basic level of transparency – Gwynne

Commenting on the adjournment of Kensington and Chelsea London Borough Council’s cabinet meeting last night, Andrew Gwynne MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, said:

“It is completely unacceptable that Kensington and Chelsea would rather cancel their meeting than obey court ruling to provide for a basic level of transparency.

“I welcome that Sajid Javid has supported Labour’s call in urging for the democratic process to be open and transparent but the response from the Government falls short of actually doing anything to address the utter chaos in the way this tragedy has been handled.  

“Sajid Javid needs to immediately ensure that all residents who are now homeless or in temporary accommodation are getting the support they need, and undertake an immediate review into the adequacy of corporate governance with a view to sending in commissioners to take control of the council if necessary.”