International law: women have right to sexual and reproductive health


While all EU Member States are bound by the Beijing Declaration and its requirement to provide access to safe and high-quality sexual and reproductive healthcare, this continues to be an area of concern.

EIGE has noted this development in several recent studies. The 25-year review of the Beijing Platform for Action shows that access to sexual and reproductive health services varies greatly between the Member States, with some countries introducing restrictions to services such as abortion.

In order to achieve gender equality in the European Union, this area needs close attention. EU Member States must ensure women have access to services that reflect their gendered health needs, such as hormonal contraception and abortion. Next year, EIGE’s Gender Equality Index will have a special focus in the area of health, including sexual and reproductive health. This is a priority in the EU.

Further information

25-year review of the Beijing Platform for Action

Gender Equality Index 2020

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