International Green leaders host alternative G7 as governments fail to step up to climate challenge


8 June 2021


The Global Greens will host an international online event this week ahead of the G7 in Cornwall, UK. The Burning Questionsforum will bring together Greens from around the world who have experience in government and legislature, in a bid to find solutions to the most urgent and serious global crises.

The discussion will highlight Green leadership on key themes of the G7 Summit including: the Climate and Ecological Emergency and the two Green demands from G7 and COP26 – Carbon Tax and Dividend, and Climate Justice. The forum will also provide a platform for voices from the Global South who are typically excluded from G7 deliberations.

GPEW spokesperson on Finance and Economy Molly Scott Cato said: “We’re clear that the G7, at best, isn’t going to go far enough and at worst it’s a talking shop that won’t lead to any concrete action. 

“What the Global Greens are doing is presenting an alternative and addressing the really tangible way that action could be taken right now to tackle the climate crisis and make people’s live better in the process.”

Speakers at the event include:

  • Elizabeth May, Member of Parliament & Parliamentary leader of Canadian Greens
  • Teanau Tuiono, Member of Parliament, Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Alejandro Aguilera, Member of Parliament, Movimiento Ecológico de Venezuela 
  • Martin Ogindo, Party Leader of Green Congress of Kenya
  • Dorothy Nalubega, African Coordinator for Global Greens Women’s network 
  • Evelyne Huytebroeck, Co-Chair of the European Green Party


Notes to editors 

Media and the public are invited to register to view the proceedings and submit questions. 



The Global Greens is the partnership of the world’s Green parties and political movements, working cooperatively to implement the Global Greens Charter. This unique and inspiring document sets out our core values of ecological wisdom, social justice, participatory democracy, nonviolence, sustainability and respect for diversity.

Media Contacts:

Molly Scott Cato:  

Alice Hubbard:

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