Inter-departmental pre-typhoon table-top exercise concludes successfully (with photos)


     The Security Bureau today (May 29) held an inter-departmental table-top exercise at the Emergency Monitoring and Support Centre in the Central Government Offices to test the Government's response capabilities for when Hong Kong is hit by a super typhoon.
     Earlier this year, the Hong Kong Observatory predicted that the typhoon season in 2020 may start in or after June in Hong Kong. The Government must heighten vigilance and be well prepared in order to cope with the potentially serious threats brought about by typhoons. Officers from more than 30 bureaux, departments and other external parties involved in the handling of natural disasters took part in the exercise. The exercise simulated a super typhoon scenario to test the preparedness, response and recovery capabilities as well as the decision-making process and interoperability of relevant government bureaux and departments, with a view to protecting citizens' lives and properties and helping them resume their daily lives promptly.
     The Government will assess the outcome of the exercise in order to enhance relevant bureaux and departments' general awareness and co-ordination in various aspects of contingency handling. The Government also urges citizens to take proper precautionary measures during the typhoon season, remain at safe places and pay close attention to the latest information released by the Government on typhoons.


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