Integrated information platform for major road works launched


     The Transport Department (TD) said that an integrated information platform for major road works ( was launched today (September 28).

     This platform provides a one-stop service to enable public access to the latest information such as the planning, gazette documents, progress, nearby land planning and specific uses in regard to proposed major road works in various districts. The platform provides hyperlinks to the websites of the Highways Department, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Lands Department and Planning Department to access relevant information.

     In response to one of the recommendations in the Ombudsman's direct investigation report on the issue of idle flyovers and "bridges to nowhere" announced on March 5 this year, the TD, in collaboration with the Highways Department, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Lands Department and Planning Department, set up this integrated information platform to enable public enquiries of information on the planning, progress and latest status of proposed road works in various districts. The report covers the Ombudsman's investigation results and recommendations on the existing reserved flyover sections and stub ends in various districts.

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