Inspection finds pollution in imported waste processing firms

Inspectors sent by China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection have found widespread environmental violations by imported waste processing firms, the Ministry said Monday.

On Wednesday last week, 191 irregularities involving 66 companies nationwide were found. On Thursday, out of 93 firms inspected, 67 firms were suspected of 169 breaches.

The inspectors have advised local authorities on sanctions against the firms.

The ministry launched a month-long campaign against pollution by a number of small companies processing imported waste at the beginning of July, sending 420 inspectors in 60 teams to localities.

Inspectors will focus on whether enterprises have passed environmental evaluations, violated rules of pollutant discharge, or illegally transferred waste imports, among other aspects.

Local officials will be summoned for talks if they act slowly in dealing with problems, according to the ministry.

China is stepping up the fight against pollution and environmental degradation caused by decades of fast growth.

A reform plan to improve management of solid waste imports was adopted in April.