Innovation and Technology Commission launches 2023 Innovation and Technology Support Programme (Mid-stream, theme-based)

     The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) today (July 10) launched the 2023 Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP) (Mid-stream, theme-based). The programme invites mid-stream project proposals conducted by universities funded by the University Grants Committee under two specific themes, "Engineering technologies for environmental sustainability" and "Biologics and cell-based therapies". Applications will be accepted from today until September 22.
     The ITC will also continue to invite funding applications for platform and seed projects under the ITSP. The 2023 round of applications will be launched tentatively at the end of this month.
     Further information is available on the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) website ( For enquiries, please contact the ITF Secretariat (Tel: 3655 5678; email: