Inflation rise hits millions of working-class families and highlights Tory failures – Dowd


Peter Dowd MP,
Labour’s Shadow Chief
Secretary to the Treasury, responding to
today’s inflation figures, said:

“Today’s rise in
inflation to its highest level in over five-and-half years is extremely
concerning, and once again reveals that after seven years of Tory economic
failure, this Government has no answers to the problem of wages continuing
to fail to keep up with prices.

“We shouldn’t
forget that there will be millions of working families who will be struggling
this Christmas already as a direct result of government policies such as the
benefits freeze and the public sector pay cap; this is a further reminder of
just how bad this double whammy of rising prices and Tory austerity policies
will be this month for them.

next Labour government will ensure working people’s living standards are
protected with a Real Living Wage of £10 per hour, ending the public sector pay
cap, and by building a high wage, high skill economy that works for the
many, not the few.”


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