Indicative programme – Justice and Home Affairs of 11-12 October 2018


Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting, 11 and 12 October

Place:           European Convention Centre Luxembourg (ECCL)

Chair(s):      Josef Moser, Federal Minister for Constitutional Affairs, Reforms, Deregulation and Justice
Herbert Kickl, Federal Minister for Interior

All times are approximate and subject to change


+/- 08.30 Arrivals (live streaming)

+/- 09.15 Doorstep by Minister Moser

+/- 10.30 Beginning of Justice ministers meeting (roundtable)
Adoption of the agenda

+/- 10.35 Approval of A-items (public session)

+/- 10.45 Directive on Insolvency, restructuring and second chance (public session)

+/- 11.15 E-evidence – Regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders for e-evidence (public session)

+/- 12.15 Any other business – current legislative proposals (public session)

+/- 12.30 Approval of non-legislative A-items

+/- 12.35 Fundamental rights

+/- 13.15 Working lunch debate on EU financing Justice

+/- 15.00 EPPO Regulation: Implementation

+/- 15.20 Mutual Recognition in Criminal Matters

+/- 16.20 Securing free and fair European elections, including protection from personal
data misuse and cyber incidents

+/- 16.50 Any other business
– EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs (Tirana, 4-5 October 2018)

+/- 17.00 Press conference (live streaming)


+/- 08.00 Arrivals (live streaming)

+/- 9.00 Doorstep by Minister Kickl

+/- 09.30 Beginning of mixed committee meeting (roundtable)
Adoption of the agenda
Regulation amending the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation

+/- 11.05 Return Directive

+/- 12.35 Any other business – Current legislative proposals

+/- 12.45 Working lunch debate on migration
Any other business: Vienna Process

+/- 15.00 Home Affairs session resumes
Commission proposals in the context of the Multiannual Financial Framework (public session)

+/- 16.00 Regulation amending the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation
(public session)

+/- 16.05 Return Directive  (public session)

+/- 16.10 Reform of the Common European Asylum System and Resettlement (public session)

+/- 16.30 Any other business- Current legislative proposals (public session)

+/- 16.35 Any other business
– Conference “Security and Migration – Promoting Partnership and Resilience” (Vienna, 13-14 September 2018)
– EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs (Tirana, 4-5 October 2018)
– Legal Migration

+/- 17.00 Press conference (live streaming)

*          *         

More information about the Council can be found on the Meetings pages

Press conferences and public events by video streaming

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