Indicative programme – Justice and Home Affairs Council, 6-7 December 2018

Europa building, Brussels

Herbert Kickl, Federal Minister of the Interior of Austria
Josef Moser, Federal Minister of Constitutional Affairs, Reforms, Deregulation and Justice of Austria

All times are approximate and subject to change

Home Affairs – Thursday, 6 December

+/- 08.00
Arrivals – Home affairs (live streaming)

+/- 09.00
Doorstep by Minister Kickl

+/- 09.30
Meeting of Mixed committee (roundtable)
Adoption of the agenda

– Regulation amending the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation
– Return Directive
– Any other business
     Current legislative proposals

+/- 11.10
Meeting of Home affairs ministers
Adoption of the agenda
Approval of non-legislative A items
Approval of legislative A items (public session)

+/- 11.30
Regulation amending the European Border and Coast Guard (public session)

+/- 11.35
Return Directive  (public session)

+/- 11.40
Regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online (public session)

+/- 12.40
Reform of the Common European Asylum System and Resettlement (public session)

+/- 12.55
Any other business
   Current legislative proposals (public session)

+/- 13.15
Working lunch on comprehensive approach on migration

+/- 15.00
Meeting of Home affairs ministers (resumes)
– Fight against people smuggling networks
– JHA priorities for the next MFF
– Any other business

+/- 18.00
Press conference (live streaming)

Justice – Friday, 7 December

+/- 08.30

+/- 08.45
Doorstep by Minister Moser

+/- 09.30
Meeting of Justice ministers (roundtable)
Contract Law – Directive on Contracts for the sales of goods (DSG) (public session)

+/- 10.30
Brussels IIa Regulation: recast  (public session)

+/- 11.30
Regulation on the assignments of claims (public session)

+/- 12.00
Regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders for e-evidence (public session)

+/- 13.00
Any other business
   Current legislative proposals (public session)

+/- 13.15
Working lunch on fight against antisemitism

+/- 15.15
Meeting of Justice ministers (resumes)
– Negotiating mandate for the 2nd Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention
– Negotiating mandate for an EU/US agreement facilitating the access to e-evidence
– EPPO Regulation: Implementation
– Data Retention: Retention of electronic communication data
– Mutual recognition in criminal matters – Council Conclusions
– EU Accession to ECHR
– Any other business

+/- 18.15
Press conference (live streaming)