Indicative programme – Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, 06-07/12/2018

Europa building, Brussels

Beate Hartinger-Klein, Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection

All times are approximate and subject to change

Thursday 6 December (Employment and Social policy issues)

from 08:00

+/- 08:15
Doorstep by minister Hartinger-Klein

Beginning of Council meeting
Adoption of the agenda
Adoption of non-legislative legislative A items
Adoption of legislative legislative A items

+/- 09.45
Regulation on establishing a European Labour Authority (live streaming)

European Semester 2019
– Annual Growth Survey (AGS), Alert Mechanism Report (AMR), draft Joint Employment Report (JER), and draft Recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area
– Contribution on employment and social aspects of the draft Recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area
– Thematic Reviews on “Social Aspects of Digitalisation” (SPC) and “Digitalisation and Robotisation of Work” (EMCO)
– Implementation of the Recommendation on long-term unemployment: EMCO key messages

+/- 11:30
Any other business
– Tripartite Social Summit (Brussels, 16 October 2018)
– Joint non-paper on the future of the LGBTI list of actions 

+/- 11:50
Directive on carcinogens or mutagens at work (live streaming)

+/- 12:10
Recommendation on access to social protection for workers and self-employed

+/- 13.00
Working lunch debate – MFF investments in people: contribution of EU funds and programmes to convergence, fairness and competitiveness

+/- 14:30
Regulation on the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) (live streaming)

+/- 14:45
Conclusions on gender equality, youth and digitalisation

+/- 15:30
Directive on equal treatment (Article 19) (live streaming)

+/- 15:40
Any other business
– Current legislative proposals
Revision of Directive on carcinogens and mutagens (2nd batch)
Revision of Regulations on Agencies (Eurofound, OSHA and CEDEFOP)
Directive on Accessibility Act
Directive on Work-life balance
Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions
Revision of the Regulations on the Coordination of Social Security Systems
– Commission activities
EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies: Midterm evaluation
Future of Work Conference (April 2019)
Union for the Mediterranean (UfM): Ministerial meeting (April 2019)
– Presidency events
Digitalisation of work
Fight against occupational cancer
Gender equality events
– Joint Declaration “Gender Equality as a Priority of the European Union today and in the future”
– Work programme of the incoming Presidency

+/- 17.00
Press conference 
(live streaming)

Friday 7 December – Health issues

from 08.00

+/- 08:30
Doorstep by minister Hartinger-Klein

Beginning of Council meeting
 (roundtable health)
Cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases (live streaming)
– Recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases
– Tackling vaccine hesitancy at EU and national level: Challenges and possibilities in a digitalised world

Any other business
– Regulation on health technology assessment and amending Directive 2011/24/EU
– State of health in the EU
– WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco control (FCTC): Eighth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP8) (Geneva, 1-6 October 2018)
– Implementation of Directive 2011/62/EU on falsified medicinal products
– Challenges ahead in the medical device sector
– Outcomes of conferences organised by the Austrian Presidency
Matching health needs and pharmaceutical research: How to set the research agenda for public health (Vienna, 25 September 2018)
People’s food – people’s health: Towards healthy and sustainable European food systems (Vienna, 22-23 November 2018)
– Outcome of the Informal meeting of Health Ministers (Vienna, 10-11 September 2018)
– Nomination of the Regional Director of the European Region of the World Health Organisation
– Work programme of the incoming Presidency

+/- 13.15
Press conference 
(live streaming)