Indicative programme – Competitiveness Council of 18 and 19 February 2019

Place:        Europa building, Brussels

Chairs:      Niculae Bădălău, Minister of Economy of Romania
                   Nicolae Hurduc, Minister for Research and Innovation of Romania

All times are approximate and subject to change

Monday, 18 February 2019

From 08.00

+/- 08.30
Doorstep by Minister Niculae Bădălău

+/- 09.30
Beginning of the Council meeting (Roundtable)
Adoption of the agenda
Approval of non-legislative A items
Approval of legislative A items (public session)

Internal Market and Industry

+/- 09.45
Competitiveness check-up

+/- 10.30
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on EU Industry (public session)
Council conclusions on the coordinated plan on Artificial Intelligence (public session)

+/- 12.00
Clean Planet for all: strategic long-term vision for a climate neutral economy (public session)

+/- 13.00
Lunch debate
: Competitiveness of the Defense Industry

+/- 15.00
European Semester

+/- 16.30
AOB – Current legislative proposals (public session)

+/- 16.45
(poss) AOB ECJ judgement cancelling Regulation 2016/646 on vehicles tested in real conditions

+/- 17.15
Press conference (live streaming from JL building press room)

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

from 08.30

+/- 09.00
Doorstep by Minister Nicolae Hurduc


+/- 10.00
Beginning of the Council meeting (Roundtable)

+/- 10.00
Horizon Europe Package: Specific Programme implementing Horizon Europe (public session)
AOB Horizon Europe Package: Framework Programme Regulation (public session)

+/- 13.00

+/- 13.30
Press conference (live streaming from JL building press room)