Indication of QF Credit for Learning Programmes at QF Levels 5 to 7 on the Qualifications Register

     To enhance the transparency of learning programmes recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF), the Education Bureau announced today (June 29) the implementation of indication of QF credit for learning programmes at QF levels 5 to 7 on the Qualifications Register (QR) from 2020 onwards. 
     With effect from September 1, 2020, non-self-accrediting operators will have to indicate the QF credit for their newly registered learning programmes at QF levels 5 to 7 (except for research-based programmes) on the QR. With effect from September 1, 2022, they will have to indicate the QF credit for all learning programmes at QF levels 5 to 7 (except for research-based programmes) on the QR. 
     As for self-accrediting operators, given that they have their own accreditation system, it is voluntary for them to indicate the QF credit of their learning programmes at QF levels 5 to 7 on the QR. For reference by the QR users and the general public, two common types of programmes offered by self-accrediting operators, namely full-time, four-year bachelor's degree programmes and full-time, one-year taught master's degree programmes, will be given a remark indicating a range of QF credits on the QR starting from September 1, 2020, if self-accrediting operators do not indicate the QF credit of such programmes on the QR.
     "The indication of the QF credit for learning programmes at QF levels 5 to 7 on the QR provides clear and transparent information on the learning volume of programmes, thus serving the best interests of the learning community. It also strengthens the infrastructure of the QF in Hong Kong in line with overseas development," a spokesperson for the Education Bureau said.
     "Since January 1, 2016, all learning programmes at QF levels 1 to 4 have shown the QF credit on the QR. The implementation of indication of the QF credit for programmes at QF levels 1 to 4 has been very smooth and successful. Operators are now familiar with the concepts and principles of the QF credit and ready to move forward."
     The QF is a seven-level hierarchy that defines clear and objective standards applicable to qualifications in the academic, vocational, professional and continuing education sectors. Each QF-recognised qualification is assigned a QF level in accordance with the outcome standards (knowledge and skills assessable and attainable) expected of the qualification. QF level 7 is the highest while QF level 1 is the lowest. The QF credit measures the volume or size of learning of a qualification, which allows learners to understand the effort and time expected of an average learner to complete the learning process successfully and attain the learning outcomes of the relevant qualification. One QF credit consists of 10 notional learning hours.
     Details of the implementation plan can be downloaded from the QF website: