Dr. Harsh Vardhanchairs multi-stakeholder consultation on prevention and control of deafness

“We have to work cohesively so that no child is left out for the screening and treatment related to hearing loss, as this is one of the key components of the vision of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji to make a healthy and new India by 2022”, said Dr. Harsh Vardhanhere today, as he chaired a high level multi-stakeholder consultation.

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Decrease in Agricultural Holdings

The Department of Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmers Welfare conducts agriculture census every five years to collect data on structural characteristics of agricultural sector including size of agriculture land holdings in the country.

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Crop Diversification

Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW) is already implementing a Crop Diversification Programme (CDP) for replacing paddy crop with less water consuming alternative crops to save water and protect soil in the state of Punjab.

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Cultivation of GM Crops

Area, production and productivity of Bt. cotton has increased steadily since its introduction in India, barring minor fluctuation in few years. Details of year-wise area under cotton, Bt. cotton, production and yield of cotton during 2002-03 to 2019-20 is below:



Area under cotton*   

(in lakh hectare)

Area under Bt. cotton**

 (in lakh hectare)


(in lakh bales)

Yield                ( kg per hectare)



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Week Long “Ekam Fest” Begins Today to Promote Craftsmanship & Products Of Divyang Artisans and Entrepreneurs

The week long Exhibition-cum-Fair “EKAM Fest” organized by National Handicapped Finance Development Corporation (NHFDC) under M/o Social Justice& Empowermentbegan today at State Emporia Complex, Baba Kharak Singh Marg, New Delhi-1.

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