Promulgation of an Ordinance to amend the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 in the light of the pandemic situation of COVID-19

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, there have been instances of the most critical service providers i.e. members of healthcare services being targeted and attacked by miscreants, thereby obstructing them from doing their duties.

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No provision of free internet by Department of Telecom

Fact Check Unit of Press Information Bureau has today clarified in a tweet that Department of Telecom is not giving free internet to all users till 3rd May, 2020. The fake information in circulation has claimed that free internet is being provided to all by the Department to enable them to work from home, and can be availed by clicking on a given link.

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Procurement of Pulses & Oilseeds on MSP is currently in progress in 20 States during Rabi season 2020

The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Government of India is taking several measures to facilitate the farmers and farming activities at field level during the lock down period.

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BRO builds 484-meter permanent bridge connecting Kasowal enclave in Punjab with rest of the country

Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has constructed and opened a new permanent bridge on the river Ravi connecting Kasowal enclave in Punjab to the rest of the country much ahead of its schedule. The enclave of around 35 square kilometres had  hither to been connected via pontoon bridge of limited load capacity.

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Prime Minister to interact with Gram Panchayats across the country on the 24th of April 2020

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi shall be addressing various Gram Panchayats across the country on Friday, the 24th of April 2020. The Day is celebrated annually as the National Panchayati Raj Day.

As the country is observing Social Distancing through Lockdown, the Prime Minister shall be interacting with various participants through video-conferencing.

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