Union Consumer Affairs Minister Shri Ram Vilas Paswan showcases Bullet Resistant Jackets made under PM Modi’s‘Make in India’ initiative; Jackets weight & Cost substantially lesser; India joins selected league of nations such as US, UK & Germany to have its own standard for such jackets

Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Shri Ram Vilas Paswan today showcased the Bullet Resistant Jackets being made under the ‘Make in India’ initiative of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.

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Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2019-20 (Series V) – Issue Price

In terms of Government of India Notification No. F. No. 4(7)-W&M/2019 dated September 30, 2019, Sovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20 (Series V) will be opened for the period October 7-11, 2019. The issue price of the Bond during the subscription period shall be `3,788 (Rupees Three Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Eight only) – per gram with Settlement date October 15, 2019, as also published by RBI in their Press Release dated October 04, 2019.

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Joint inauguration of Metro Express and ENT hospital in Mauritius

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and Prime Minister of Mauritius, The Hon’ble Mr. Pravind Jugnauth jointly inaugurated the Metro Express and new ENT Hospital in Mauritius through a video link today.

Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister Modi noted the significance of the Metro and health-care projects in further enhancing the quality of life of the people of Mauritius, as well as in deepening the close ties between the two countries.

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Ministry of Tourism launches Audio Guide facility App “Audio Odigos” for 12 sites of India (including Iconic Sites)

On the second day of nationwide “Paryatan Parv 2019” Shri Yogendra Tripathi , Secretary, Ministry of Tourism in the presence of DG, ASI Smt. Usha Sharma launched the Audio Guide facility Audio Odigos for 12 sites of India(including Iconic Sites).

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Maj AQ Khan Won Silver Medal in 53rd Asian Body Building and Physique Sports Championship 2019, Indonesia on 02 Oct 2019



Maj Abdul Quadir Khan of the Corps of Signals brought laurels to India by winning a Silver Medal at the prestigious 53rd Asian Body Building and Physique Sports Championship held at Batam, Indonesia on 02 Oct 19. Commissioned in Jun 2014, he took to Body Building with fervour in spite of an extremely busy regimental schedule.

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