International Day of Persons with Disabilities observed in Ministry of Railways

A function was organized in Ministry of Railways today to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Speaking on the occasion, Minister of State of Railways, Shri Suresh C. Angadi said that the right to equal opportunities for all citizens is enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

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India Pavilion at COP-25 in Madrid, Spain celebrating “150 Years the Mahatma”

Secretary, Ministry of Environment Forest &Climate Change (MoEFCC), Shri C.K. Mishra inaugurated the India Pavilion at the 25th session of Conference of Partiesunder the UN framework convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC COP25), in Madrid, Spain today.

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Parliament passes the Special Protection Group (Amendment) Bill, 2019

Parliament today passed the Special Protection Group (Amendment) Bill, 2019. Replying to the debate on the Bill in the house, Union Minister for Home Affairs, Shri Amit Shah said that as per the intent of the original law, SPG focusses on Prime Minister’s security, as the PM is constitutionally the Head of the Government.

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Telephone Conversation of Prime Minister with H.E. Ms. Ursula von der Leyen,  President of the European Commission

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today had a telephonic conversation with H.E. Ms. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.


The Prime Minister congratulated H.E. Ms. Ursula von der Leyen on taking over as the President of the European Commission and expressed happiness that they were able to establish contact early in her tenure.

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Cabinet Secretary reviews the issue of Onion Prices in the Country

Cabinet Secretary Shri Rajiv Gauba today chaired a meeting of the Committee of Secretaries to review the issue of rising prices of Onions across the country.

In a video conference held with the Chief Secretaries of the 11 major onion producing states, the Cabinet Secretary was briefed about the various steps being taken by the States to tackle the rising prices of Onions.

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