Independent expert advice on Grenfell Tower published


The government has today (27 May 2021) published independent expert advice that will be considered as part of the process of reaching a decision on the future of Grenfell Tower.

The publication ensures that bereaved families, survivors, and residents have the opportunity to examine and comment on the information before a decision is made.

The government wrote to the community about this earlier in May and has already begun engagement to discuss the advice.

As guardian of the site, the government has carried out ongoing works and maintenance to ensure the Tower remains stable and that people can continue to live, study and work nearby.

As part of the independent advice, engineers have recommended that the government proceeds carefully to take the Tower down after these safety works have been completed.

The government is now considering this advice and is meeting with bereaved families, survivors and local residents to hear their concerns and priorities for the future of the site, so these can be taken into account where there is flexibility to do so.

This is alongside a commitment to support the independent Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission and the community in their creation of a fitting memorial to honour those who lost their lives in the tragedy. Bereaved families, survivors and the local community will continue to be at the heart of determining what the future memorial will be.

The government is in regular contact with the Metropolitan Police, the Coroner and the Grenfell Tower Inquiry to ensure that any decision does not interfere with their work – and they have confirmed that they have all the required evidence from the Tower.

The government has confirmed that there will be no change to the Tower before the fifth anniversary in June 2022. The government is asking for comments on the advice by 31 July.

For more information on the meetings, online presentations and to provide comments on the advice, please email or call 0303 444 0011.

See further details on the different meetings.

See more information on Grenfell Tower and the independent advice.

See more information on Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission’s work.

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