Income and asset limits of Working Family Allowance Scheme to be raised

     The Government announced today (April 5) that the income and asset limits of the Working Family Allowance (WFA) Scheme for the claim months starting from April 2024 will be raised (details at Annex).

     The WFA Scheme aims to support lower-income working families which are not on Comprehensive Social Security Assistance and have longer working hours. The Scheme rewards hard work, with the amount of allowance assessed on a monthly basis according to the household's income and working hours. Each eligible child will also be provided with Child Allowance.

     Under the WFA Scheme, the claim period of an application covers the six calendar months immediately before the submission of the application. An eligible household is required to submit an application for every claim period. The raised income and asset limits will be applicable to the claim months from April 2024 to March 2025.

     For enquiries, applicants may visit the website ( or call the 24-hour hotline (2558 3000) of the Working Family Allowance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency.