Income and asset limits of WFA Scheme announced


     The Government announced today (March 30) the income and asset limits of the Working Family Allowance (WFA) Scheme with effect from April 1, 2022.

     The income limits of the WFA Scheme are pegged to the median monthly domestic household income of economically active households. According to the said mechanism, the income limits of all but four-person households have to be tightened. Nevertheless, in view of the economic pressure faced by lower income working households amid the pandemic and in consultation with the Legislative Council, the Government has decided to, as a one-off measure, freeze the income limits of all types of households of the WFA Scheme except for four-person households. As for four-person households, the Government will adjust the income limits according to the mechanism. The income limit for full-rate allowance will remain unchanged after rounding, whereas that for the 3/4-rate and half-rate allowances will be slightly relaxed.

     The asset limits of the WFA Scheme are adjusted based on the asset limits of public rental housing applications. The Government will relax the asset limits of all types of households in accordance with the said mechanism.

     The adjusted income and asset limits will be applicable to claim months from April 2022 to March 2023. Details are at the Annex.

     For enquiries, applicants may call the 24-hour hotline (2558 3000) of the Working Family Allowance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency, or visit the website (

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