In Kuwait, UN chief Guterres lauds country’s humanitarian leadership, regional diplomacy

27 August 2017 – United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, on an official visit to Kuwait, expressed gratitude to not only the Gulf country’s leadership in humanitarian action, but the &#8220dialogue […] and promotion of understanding Kuwait has shown in relation to all conflicts in the region.&#8221

Speaking to reporters after meetings with the Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Mr. Guterres recalled that during his tenure as UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the Amir had presided over three conferences to mobilize the international community to support the Syrian people &#8220suffering so much with the war that has been going on and on.&#8221

&#8220But it’s not only the humanitarian leadership of Kuwait, it’s the wisdom, the dialogue, the promotion of understanding that Kuwait has shown in relation to all conflicts in the region,&#8221 explained Mr. Guterres, adding: &#8220Kuwait has no agenda. The agenda of Kuwait is peace; is understanding.&#8221

As for the current crisis in the Gulf, the Secretary-General said &#8220the position of the UN is very simple: we are here to support the Kuwaiti mediation.&#8221

Indeed, this visit had been an occasion to express deep appreciation and raise ideas about ways to strengthen the cooperation and dialogue between Kuwait and the UN, &#8220as we believe Kuwait is an extremely reliable partner in our common commitment to peace and security around the world.&#8221

Taking questions from reports, Mr. Guterres said that he and the Amir had discussed all the very difficult situations of the region, including Yemen, Syria, &#8220the drama of the Palestinian people,&#8221 Libya, and the need to make sure that Iraq is able to come together in unity after defeating the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh).

&#8220All of these aspects were discussed in a very detailed way. I had the opportunity once again to express my deep appreciation for all the initiatives that Kuwait has had in the relation to the solution to these crises,&#8221 stated the UN chief.

Asked about plans to begin negotiations in Kuwait on the crisis in Yemen, the Secretary-General said the UN is doing its best to create the conditions for the present stalemate to be overcome. &#8220Kuwait has been very successful in the first conference that was organized. We will be working very closely with the [parties] to see when and how a new strong initiative will be possible,&#8221 he stressed.

To a question on getting aid through Saan’a airport or Hodeida port, Mr. Guterres said that his Special Envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, is pushing to create the conditions for both Hodeida and Saan’a to allow for an effective use, for humanitarian purposes, of these two very important infrastructures.

&#8220I hope it will be possible for an agreement to be achieved between the parties to allow for Hodeida and Saan’a to be fully operational for the humanitarian needs of the Yemeni people who are suffering in such a terrible way. They deserve our solidarity and our commitment.&#8221