In General Assembly address, Bahrain calls for strong, stable Middle East

23 September 2017 – Bahrain reiterated its support for a strong Middle East in its United Nations General Assembly address, underscoring the need for strong and common political will to guarantee positive relations with other countries, support for the principles of non-interference in others internal affairs, and reaffirmation of the fight against terrorism and its sponsors.

“As partners, we can work together to preserve the security of the Gulf region, to combat terrorism and to provide protection for international navigation and commerce routes,” said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa, addressing the world body in New York.

He also urged compliance with international conventions and instruments to address the greatest challenge facing the international community – terrorism.

“Terrorism is no longer confined to terrorist organizations that can be confronted and eliminated. Rather, that menace has become a tool in the hands of States determined to create crises in other countries in pursuit of their own agenda” he said, adding that it is no longer acceptable to allow rogue countries to occupy others’ territories, violate the sovereignty of States, threaten international peace and security, support terrorism and spread hate and anarchy.

In his address, Foreign Minister Yousef bin Alawi bin Abdullah of Oman highlighted his country’s adherence to UN principles. “We call upon all states to exert more efforts to help the United Nations restore its pivotal role in international relations.,” he said.

“The Sultanate of Oman invites the United Nations and the International Community to take up their responsibilities and strive to achieve peace, prevent conflicts and wars and settle difference, through dialogue and peaceful means. In this respect, my country renews its readiness to work with the United Nations to build a new world of security and stability.”