In Colombia, UN chief meets with ex-combatants, expressing hope for future and peace process

14 January 2018 – On the second day of an official visit to Colombia, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Sunday expressed hopes for the future and for the peace process in Colombia.

&#8220I am extremely happy to see the enthusiasm and commitment of the authorities, of the communities, and of the ex-combatants to the process of peace building in Colombia,&#8221 Mr. Guterres said in a statement to the press from Mesetas, Meta, where he visited a territorial area for the training and reintegration of former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) combatants.

&#8220I had the opportunity to visit a FARC camp and to see the ex-combatants build their future and develop new activities &#8211 activities of peace &#8211 with great enthusiasm,&#8221 he said.

The communities also believe that it is possible for this region to achieve not only peace, but also prosperity and good living conditions for all its inhabitants, and that the Colombian Government will play a key role in providing the security, administration, healthcare system and infrastructures they need, and in helping the local farmers get better access to the market, he added.

&#8220What we see here is an extraordinary transformation, and it gives me great hope for the future and for the peace process in Colombia,&#8221 he stressed, reaffirming the UN’s full support and solidarity with the Colombian people in this historic moment of their lives.