Improve productivity with better analysis: apply for funding

Tricky technical issues often hold back productivity and competitiveness for UK companies. Innovate UK’s Analysis for Innovators programme aims to help by bringing together businesses and the UK’s leading scientists and facilities to look at innovative ways of overcoming problems.

The partners, Innovate UK as part of UK Research and Innovation, the National Physical Laboratory, the National Measurement Laboratory, the National Engineering Laboratory, and the Science and Technology Facilities Council have up to £4 million to invest in helping business to solve analysis and measurement issues affecting existing products and services.

Projects must improve productivity and competitiveness

The competition aims to help businesses look at analysis and measurement problems that are affecting existing products, processes or services and do not have an off-the-shelf solution. For example, this could be to analyse why a defect rate is happening and where UK experts and cutting-edge facilities could help. Applicants must explain the benefits of solving the problem, such as improved productivity or competitiveness.

Competition has 2 strands and 2 phases

There are 2 strands to the competition:

  • up to £1 million is available for small projects that meet the European Union’s de minimis regulations on state aid
  • up to £3 million is available for larger projects

Businesses are invited to express an interest in applying in the first phase of the competition. Successful applicants in the first phase will be invited to work with relevant partners on joint projects in a second phase.

Competition information

  • both strands of the competition open on 29 July 2019, and the deadline for expressions of interest is at midday on 4 September 2019
  • businesses of any size may apply
  • up to £50,000 is available for small projects that meet the de minimis regulations
  • we expect larger projects to have total costs of up to £300,000
  • a briefing event will be held on 31 July 2019