ImmD holds Certificate Presentation Ceremony of Accredited Training Programmes and Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development Open Day cum Youth Development Day (with photos)

     Following the recognition of qualifications of its training programmes under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) in 2018, the Immigration Department (ImmD), in the capacity of programme operator, was further accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications in November 2019 to include its induction training programme for Immigration Officers and passenger clearance programme for in-service Immigration Assistants in the Qualifications Register, marking another milestone for the ImmD's training programmes.
     The Director of Immigration, Mr Tsang Kwok-wai, officiated at the Certificate Presentation Ceremony of Accredited Training Programmes of the ImmD held at the Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development (ISITD) on January 7. On the same occasion, Mr Tsang also officiated at the launching ceremony of the ISITD Open Day cum Youth Development Day in the company of directorate officers and members of the Immigration Department Youth Leaders.
     Upon completion of the induction training programme under the HKQF, the newly recruited Immigration Officers will be awarded the Professional Diploma in Management in Immigration Services and Control for Immigration Officers, which is at HKQF Level 5 (equivalent to the Bachelor's Degree level). In addition, in-service Immigration Assistants who have completed the passenger clearance programme will be awarded the Professional Diploma in Immigration Control and Passenger Clearance, which is at HKQF Level 4 (equivalent to the level of an Associate Degree or a Higher Diploma).
     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Tsang said that the further accreditation of the ISITD's self-operating training programmes showed that the ISITD's facilities, course contents, teaching staff and more had won high recognition, which helped motivate members of the Immigration Service to enhance their knowledge and competitiveness by pursuing continuing education and lifelong learning. He also encouraged all graduates to remain true to their original aspirations, uphold professionalism, stand fast at their posts, and make concerted efforts to provide dedicated services for the public with impartiality.
     A total of 69 graduates, comprising 29 Immigration Officers and 40 Immigration Assistants, attended the ceremony. Looking ahead, the ImmD will continue to apply for the inclusion of various in-service training programmes in the Qualifications Register.
     The ceremony also launched the ISITD Open Day cum Youth Development Day, which was held on January 11. It aimed to introduce the ImmD's history and work so as to familiarise the public with its latest developments and services.
     The Open Day cum Youth Development Day this year included elements related to youth development. A number of youth uniformed groups as well as primary and secondary school students were specially invited to join the event. Members of the Immigration Department Youth Leaders also set up a game booth to heighten a sense of discipline among teenagers and enhance their understanding of the Government's work.
     In order to enable the public to learn more about the ImmD, in addition to exhibitions and game booths, a series of booths were set up to display the various areas of work of the department. There were also a performance by the Immigration Band and a foot drill demonstration. The ImmD's tactical training gear as well as uniforms and working dress over the years were also displayed. About 1 800 visitors attended the Open Day cum Youth Development Day.

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