If Labour stands together we can turn back the Tory tide – Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the
Labour Party,
in the Sunday Mirror, said:

Theresa May talks about delivering
an economy that works for working people. But in practice, she’s doing the

In next month’s Budget, the Tories
are set to press on with their endless austerity: still deeper cuts to health
and social care, education and local services.

They’re now trying to take away
more money from people with disabilities – while they’re handing out multi-billion
pound tax breaks to the wealthiest. It’s the nasty party all over again.

Labour is campaigning for an
investment-led economy that restores pride to every community. And we are
determined to end to a tax system rigged for the richest. We think everyone
should pay their fair share.

On Thursday, the people of Stoke
rejected Ukip’s politics of hate and division – and its sham claim to represent
the working class. They voted instead for the NHS, decent jobs and homes,
investment and fairness.

But the result in Copeland was
deeply disappointing. Labour’s share of the vote in Copeland has been falling
for 20 years and of course I take my share of responsibility.

Both these areas, like many others
in Britain, have been left behind by globalisation and lost out from a rigged

So it’s no surprise that they
rejected the status quo by voting to leave in the EU referendum. That’s why it
was important for Labour to respect the result and vote for Article 50.

The task now is to fight for a
positive future for Britain after Brexit – not the kind of bargain basement tax
haven the Tories want to engineer.

And we must take our message of
economic renewal and fairness to every part of Britain – and show that Labour
has changed under my leadership.

The Conservatives have neglected
working people by cutting investment and letting wages stagnate or fall year
after year. Six million people now earn less than the living wage.

Labour will be campaigning for
investment in decent jobs and homes, education for all, support for the NHS and
social care, and fair taxation.

Last year Labour forced the
Government to U-turn on £4bn cuts to personal independence payments for people
with disabilities. If we stand together we can stop the latest attack

We haven’t done enough yet to
rebuild trust with people who have been ripped off and sold out for decades and
don’t feel Labour represents them.

But if we stand together, I am
confident we can do that and turn back the Tory tide. 

I was re-elected Labour leader
five months ago with a bigger majority and I am determined to finish that job:
to reconnect Labour with our working class voters and values – so we can win
power to rebuild and transform Britain, for the many, not just the few.