ICAO Asia and Pacific Regional Cybersecurity Symposium 2018 opens (with photos)

     The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Asia and Pacific Regional Cybersecurity Symposium 2018, jointly organised by the ICAO, the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) and the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AA), opened at the CAD Headquarters today (May 15). Hong Kong is the first city to host such symposium for the Asia/Pacific Region after a resolution relating to cybersecurity was adopted in 2016 by the ICAO Assembly.

     Some 180 participants, comprising cybersecurity experts and aviation industry representatives from the ICAO and its members, as well as overseas and local organisations, are meeting to evaluate the cyber threats faced by the aviation industry, and to exchange the latest information, technologies and implementation experiences in cybersecurity.

     The Director-General of Civil Aviation, Mr Simon Li; the Chief Executive Officer of the AA, Mr Fred Lam, and the ICAO Asia and Pacific Regional Office's senior officer responsible for air traffic management and communications, navigation and surveillance, Mr Li Peng, officiated at the opening ceremony.

     Mr Simon Li, in his welcoming speech said, "The accelerated adoption of information and communication technology systems in the aviation sector, coupled with the increased digital connectivity between various systems, could create potential vulnerabilities if the connectivity platform is not duly secured. Robust cybersecurity is increasingly important in order to sustain aviation growth and avoid any disruption to our air transport system."

     He added that, pursuant to the ICAO Assembly Resolution of 2016, which called for co-ordinated actions by aviation regulatory authorities and industry stakeholders to mitigate the risks of cyber threats, the Symposium today is well-timed for cybersecurity stakeholders to share knowledge and experience in this subject.

     Guest speakers shared with participants their insights on various important cybersecurity topics, including cyber threats and risks to air traffic management, challenges to smart airports, and innovative technologies and solutions adopted by the aviation industry to tackle cyber threats.

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