ICAC Complaints Committee Annual Report tabled in LegCo

     The 2019 Annual Report of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Complaints Committee was tabled in the Legislative Council today (July 8). The report gives a summary of the Committee's work in 2019.

     The Committee is tasked with the responsibility of monitoring the handling of non-criminal complaints against the ICAC and its officers. The Committee takes an independent view on the ICAC's investigation findings on the complaints received, reviews ICAC procedures which may lead to complaints, and makes recommendations for improvement.

     In 2019, the Committee received 14 complaints involving 68 allegations against the ICAC or its officers. Among the allegations registered in 2019, 57 per cent were related to neglect of duties by ICAC officers, 33 per cent to misconduct and 7 per cent to abuse of power. The remaining 3 per cent were related to inadequacies of ICAC procedures.  

     The ICAC submits investigation reports to the Committee after conducting full investigations on complaint cases, while assessment reports are submitted for complaints which do not warrant full investigation. During 2019, the Committee held three meetings to consider the investigation reports of 13 complaint cases received in 2016, 2018 or 2019. These complaints contained a total of 68 allegations. Three allegations in two of these complaints were found to be substantiated or partially substantiated concerning a total of three ICAC officers. All of them were as a result given advice respectively by their senior officers. In the year, the Committee also considered and endorsed three assessment reports. Preliminary assessment showed that these complaints were either groundless or repeated ones previously disposed of through the Committee, which agreed that no further investigative actions should be taken on them.

     In the course of considering the complaints, both the Committee and the ICAC have scrutinised the internal procedures, guidelines and practices of the ICAC. After careful examination of the issues identified in the investigation reports considered during 2019, the ICAC organised a number of briefing sessions and strengthened the training programmes for frontline officers to enhance their vigilance in conducting search operations, maintaining records of seizures and handling of incoming correspondence. Briefings were also given to all officers to heighten their professional sensitivity when dealing with election-related matters. Furthermore, the ICAC initiated a review on the format of the standard form used for recording the statement made by a complainant or a witness particularly to ensure that the personal data collected from the complainant or witness are necessary and adequate but not excessive.
     The annual report of the Committee is available on the Administration Wing website (www.admwing.gov.hk/eng/links/icac.htm) and also at the ICAC's regional offices.