“iAM Smart” registration exceeds 1 million

     The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) announced today (November 15) that more than 1 million users have registered for the "iAM Smart" one-stop personalised digital service platform and over 160 commonly used government, public and private online services are now accessible through the platform.

     A spokesman for the OGCIO said, "Our thanks go to members of the public and various sectors who support 'iAM Smart'. In less than a year since its launch, the numbers of registration and services accessible through 'iAM Smart' have been rising continuously. Recently, a bank has adopted remote account opening for mobile banking through digital identity verification with the use of 'iAM Smart'. The OGCIO will continue to promote the wider use of 'iAM Smart' and proactively facilitate the participation of public and private organisations to make good use of the 'iAM Smart' platform. This enables members of the public to handle daily affairs online more securely and efficiently and enjoy the convenience brought about by technology in daily life, and fosters Hong Kong's smart city development."

     Popular online services of "iAM Smart" include checking COVID-19 electronic vaccination records, using eHealth services, filing tax returns with eTAX, submitting online applications for renewal of vehicle licences, submitting Working Family Allowance applications, and checking electricity and gas bills. More government services will adopt "iAM Smart" in the future, including the Internet Booking Service of Leisure Link and the online services of the Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. By then, members of the public will be able to log into Leisure Link through "iAM Smart" to reserve leisure facilities online in a more convenient way. The online services of the HKPL will also allow user authentication using "iAM Smart" at a later stage, enabling members of the public to log into the booking system to reserve and renew library materials, browse the e-books, access the e-databases, and more.

     For information on registration for and the services accessible through "iAM Smart", please visit the "iAM Smart" website (www.iamsmart.gov.hk).