I hope the Government is listening to Labour’s calls to reduce waiting time for Universal Credit payments – Debbie Abrahams

Debbie Abrahams
MP, Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary,
commenting on
reports that the Government is planning to climb-down on the waiting time for
Universal Credit payments, said:

“The Government
is reportedly planning to reduce the six week wait for Universal Credit
payments. I hope they have now listened to Labour’s repeated calls to
significantly reduce the waiting time, which has driven many into debt, arrears
and evictions.

“Much more needs
to be done. The Government must confirm that alternative payment arrangements
will be offered to all recipients, including fortnightly payments, and bring
forward plans to restore the principle that work always pays under the

“A pause to the
programme’s roll out would ensure that it does not push people into poverty and
deprivation until these issues are fixed.”