HyD and BD receive a preliminary load test proposal submitted by MTRCL regarding incident relating to construction quality of Hung Hom Station platform


     Regarding the incident relating to the construction quality of the Hung Hom Station platform of the Shatin to Central Link (SCL), the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) submitted a preliminary load test proposal prepared by an independent third-party expert to the Highways Department (HyD) and the Buildings Department (BD) on June 22 upon the HyD's request. The HyD and the BD are carefully examining the proposal. On this, the BD will also listen to the views of an overseas structural construction safety expert appointed by it.

     After incorporating the comments from the BD, the HyD will reply to the MTRCL as soon as possible, hoping that the MTRCL will submit the detailed proposal to the government for examination as soon as possible so that the relevant comprehensive testing work could be carried out as early as possible to verify the loading capacity of the platform structure concerned in order to relieve public concern.

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