Hundreds of thousands of part-time and temporary workers excluded from workplace pension – Debbie Abrahams

Debbie Abrahams MP, Shadow Work and
Pensions Secretary
commenting on the Government’s announcement to extend auto-enrolment to workers
aged 18, said:

“The Government’s announcement to
extend auto-enrolment to workers aged 18 is a small step in the right
direction. However, it is worrying that the income threshold still means people
on the lowest incomes are not automatically included and enrolled in a
workplace pension, excluding hundreds of thousands of part-time and temporary

“Given that plans will also not be
in place until the mid-2020s, coupled with the fact that people under 25
receive a lower living wage, many young people will continue to miss out both
now and in their retirement.

will restore confidence in the workplace pension system ensuring it benefits
the many not the few.”
