Humanitarian needs have never been greater in Syria, says UN chief Guterres at international conference

5 April 2017 – Speaking at a major international conference on Syria, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called on the international community to increase support for the victims of the conflict in the war-ravaged country as well as for the neighbouring ones that are sheltering millions of refugees.

&#8220The need for humanitarian aid and the protection of Syrian civilians has never been greater [and] the humanitarian appeal for a single crisis has never been higher,&#8221 said Mr. Guterres at the Brussels Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region.

&#8220UN agencies and our partners are determined to reach everyone in need, through all possible means,&#8221 he underscored.

The two-day conference started yesterday with thematic sessions on the humanitarian needs and challenges within the country and on ways to strengthen resilience of refugees and host communities in the context of the crisis.

It will also assess the status of implementation of commitments made at a conference in London last year as well as identify additional support to Syrians inside the country and in the neighbouring ones, as well as to the respective host communities.

In its seventh year, the conflict in Syria remains the largest humanitarian challenge in the world &#8211 with 13.5 million men, women and children inside Syria in need of urgent assistance. There are now more than 5 million Syrian refugees living in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, and many more have made the dangerous journey to Europe and farther afield.

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