Human Resources Planning Commission convenes third meeting

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, chaired the third meeting of the Human Resources Planning Commission this afternoon (September 5).  
     At the meeting, members noted the global trend of automation and  the impact on the labour market arising from the rapid advances in emerging technologies. Members also noted the results of an analysis of the impact of automation on employment in Hong Kong. The analysis was based on analytical frameworks drawn from relevant international studies. It revealed that all professions and industries in Hong Kong were capable of achieving a certain degree of automation, though the potential to implement automation might vary among different professions and industries.
     Based on the results of the analysis, Members considered that early action should be taken to prepare for the irreversible trend of automation. They had an initial discussion on the possible policy responses from the perspectives of education, retraining and up-skilling, and promotion of automation to relevant sectors, with a view to tackling the challenges and capitalising on the opportunities brought about by automation.    
     At the meeting, members also discussed the manpower situation in the elderly services sector. Given an ageing population, there is a surge in demand for elderly services and care workers. Members noted that the industry was facing a serious manpower shortage in the wake of an ageing workforce and recruitment difficulties. The problems are particularly acute among frontline care workers. Members were also briefed on the wide range of measures adopted by the Government to alleviate the manpower shortage in the sector, including increasing salaries, organising job expos for specific sectors and providing more diverse training opportunities. Members shared their views on how to strengthen recruitment efforts and retain care workers while improving the stability and sustainability of the workforce in an attempt to provide quality long-term elderly care services in a comprehensive, client-centred and holistic manner.
     In addition, members were updated on the latest progress of the promulgation of the Talent List and the implementation of the Technology Talent Admission Scheme and the Technology Talent Scheme. The Talent List, containing 11 professions, was publicised on August 28.Eligible persons may apply for admission to Hong Kong through the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme. Members also noted that the Technology Talent Scheme was rolled out on August 22, comprising the Postdoctoral Hub programme and the Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme, which aim at nurturing and attracting more technology talent for the long-term development of Hong Kong.