HR/VP Federica Mogherini meets with the Syrian opposition repres

The HRVP Federica Mogherini met today with the newly-elected President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) Mr Riad Seif, and the Prime Minister of the Syrian Interim Government (SIG) Mr Jawad About Hatab, and their delegation to discuss the political process and support for resilience inside Syria.

They discussed the practical support the European Union can continue to give to the Syrian opposition, to civil society, and to the women of Syria, and the additional work that could be done – namely on reconstruction- if and when the parties are to succeed in negotiating a framework for a transitional political agreement, based on the relevant UNSC resolutions.

They also exchanged views on the EU’s work with the Syrian Interim Government to provide resilience support through the provision of education, job creation, and support for local civilian governance structures in opposition held areas.

Both parties reiterated their committment and support  to the UN led Geneva process, calling on all parties to fully engage in the intra-Syrian negotiations to achieve a political transition in Syria. It was agreed that only a political solution can constitute the way out of the Syrian crisis, for the sake of all Syrian people.