Housing Authority recognises outstanding estate management services contractors and frontline staff (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:

     The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) hosted the Estate Management Services Contractors Awards (EMSC Awards) 2023 presentation ceremony at Domain in Yau Tong today (March 27). A total of 83 awards were presented to the services contractors and frontline staff in recognition of their outstanding performance in managing the HA's properties last year. 
     Officiating at the presentation ceremony, the Deputy Director of Housing (Estate Management), Mr Ricky Yeung, said, "The HA is in active pursuit of smart estate management. We appreciate the support of the service contractors in different aspects for assisting us with the trial projects in housing estates and gradually applying new technologies in our daily work. This enhances the efficiency of estate management, reduces the workload of frontline staff, and provides residents with better quality services.
     "The close partnership between the HA and the services contractors continuously enhances estate management services, creating a comfortable, clean, and healthy living environment for residents and fostering a sense of well-being and belonging."
     The HA organises the annual EMSC Awards which encourages services contractors to strive for excellence in different areas of work. 
     The EMSC Awards in 2023 went to 18 services contractors providing property management, cleaning, security and car park operating services. Seven property services managers and 49 frontline staff members were also commended. The full list of awardees is in the Annex.

     This year, the Unwavering Support during Extreme Weather Conditions award was introduced to recognise the best property service companies and the best property management staff who have demonstrated dedication and steadfastness in discharging their duties during extreme weather situations, fearlessly ensuring the safety of residents despite wind and rain.
     The estates managed by the winners of the Best Public Rental Housing Estate (Property Services) Large Estate award this year include Ching Ho Estate, Tin Yiu (I) & Tin Yiu (II) Estate and Shek Lei (II) Estate, while the estates managed by the winners of the Best Public Rental Housing Estate (Property Services) Small Estate award include Sheung Lok Estate, Cheung Lung Wai Estate and Wah Kwai Estate (Wah Oi House).
     Currently, the management of more than half of the HA's public rental housing estates is outsourced to property services contractors, and many major maintenance tasks in the HA estates are being supervised by them. By leveraging the private sector's resources and experience in managing private properties, the HA works to continuously raise the quality of its estate management services and to provide a pleasant living environment for its tenants.

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