Housing Authority invites entries for video contest

     To promote the community living in public housing estates, the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) today (November 5) launched a territory-wide short video competition. Entries are now invited.
     The "Making Precious Memories – Life in Public Housing" Short Video Contest is open for current and former public housing residents to participate by sharing their fond memories and experiences of living in public housing.
     Entrants are invited to produce videos with the theme and content related to life in public housing and harmonious relationships among family, friends and neighbours. The video should not exceed three minutes and can be produced in Cantonese, Putonghua or English, with headings and corresponding subtitles in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese or English.
     The contest comes in two categories, namely Open and Secondary School. Entrants may choose to participate either individually or in a team of up to four members. Judging criteria of the videos include content, creativity, impact and audio-visual effects.
     Each group has a champion, first runner-up, second runner-up and a merit prize. Winners will be awarded electrical appliances cash coupons.
     Interested participants should first submit an entry form. The entry forms and competition leaflets can be obtained at all public housing estate offices under the HA, or downloaded from the competition webpage in the HA/Housing Department website: www.housingauthority.gov.hk/video-contest.
     Completed entry forms should be submitted on or before December 10. The deadline for submitting videos is January 25, 2019.
     For enquiries, please call the contest hotline 6736 4205.