Hospital Authority announces nine preliminary positive patient cases detected via admission screening or testing

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority.

     The Hospital Authority today (February 11) announced the following preliminary positive COVID-19 patient cases detected via admission screening or testing:

     A 96-year-old male patient in a medical ward of Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital tested negative during two screenings since his admission on February 8. The patient presented with respiratory symptoms from yesterday and tested preliminarily positive today. The patient is being treated under isolation and is in stable condition. The hospital's infection control team has conducted contact tracing. An enrolled nurse, who did not wear appropriate personal protective equipment when collecting specimen from the patient, and seven patients in the same cubicle were identified as close contacts and required to be quarantined. Among the patients, one has been discharged and referred to the Department of Health for follow up.

     An eight-year-old female patient in a mixed specialty ward of Queen Elizabeth Hospital tested preliminarily positive during an admission screening yesterday. The patient is being treated under isolation and is in stable condition. The hospital's infection control team has conducted contact tracing. Two patient care assistants who entered the cubicle concerned without eye protection were identified as close contacts and will be quarantined. In addition, a 40-year-old female patient in an obstetric and gynaecology ward tested preliminarily positive during an admission screening on February 9. The patient is being treated under isolation and is in stable condition. The hospital's infection control team has conducted contact tracing. One patient who stayed with the patient concerned in the same cubicle was identified as a close contact and will be isolated for quarantine.

     A 52-year-old male patient in an ophthalmology ward of Caritas Medical Centre tested preliminarily positive during an admission screening on February 9. The patient is being treated under isolation and is in stable condition. The hospital's infection control team has conducted contact tracing. Seven patients who stayed with the patient concerned in the same cubicle were identified as a close contact and will be isolated for quarantine. In addition, a 67-year-old female patient was admitted to the surgical ward on February 2. She tested preliminarily positive during the contact tracing screening yesterday. The patient is being treated under isolation and is in stable condition. The hospital's infection control team has conducted contact tracing for this case. Five patients who stayed with the patient concerned in the same cubicle was identified as close contacts and will be isolated for quarantine.

     A 77-year-old male patient in a medicine and geriatrics ward of Princess Margaret Hospital tested preliminarily positive during an admission screening on February 9. The patient is being treated under isolation and is in stable condition. The hospital's infection control team has conducted contact tracing. Four patients nearby who stayed with the patient concerned in the same ward were identified as close contacts and will be isolated for quarantine. Meanwhile, an occupational therapist, who performed facial examination for the patient concerned without eye protection, was also classified as a close contact and will be quarantined.

     An 83-year-old female patient in a medical ward of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital tested preliminarily positive during an admission screening yesterday. The patient is being treated under isolation and is in stable condition. The hospital's infection control team has conducted contact tracing. Five patients who stayed with the patient concerned in the same cubicle were identified as close contacts and will be isolated for quarantine.

     An 89-year-old female patient, who was admitted to a medical ward of Prince of Wales Hospital from a residential care home for the elderly, tested preliminarily positive during admission screening yesterday. The patient is being treated under isolation and is in serious condition. The hospital's infection control team has conducted contact tracing. Eight staff members (including five nurses and three patient care assistants), who assisted the patient concerned to use non-invasive positive pressure ventilation without eye protection, were identified as close contacts and will be quarantined.

     A 69-year-old male patient in a clinical oncology ward of Tuen Mun Hospital tested preliminarily positive during an admission screening yesterday. The patient is being treated under isolation and is in stable condition. The hospital's infection control team has conducted contact tracing. Three patients who stayed with the patient concerned in the same cubicle were identified as close contacts and will be isolated for quarantine. Another two patient care assistants and a nurse who had handled patient’s vomitus were also identified as close contacts and required quarantine.