Hospital Authority announces healthcare workers tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:
     The spokesman for the Hospital Authority (HA) made the following announcement today (December 18) on healthcare workers tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19.
     A male nurse of Kowloon Hospital's extended care ward was tested preliminarily positive for COVID 19 last night (December 17). His brother and sister-in-law, who work in Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital as physician and Tung Wah Hospital Endoscopy Centre as nurse, were also tested preliminarily positive this morning.
     The hospitals concerned have commenced contact tracing immediately. The three healthcare workers have not been in contact with any confirmed COVID 19 infection patients and have worn proper personal protective equipment at work. So far, no patient is affected.
     One nurse in Tung Wah Hospital who had meal with the female nurse who was preliminarily tested positive is classified as close contact. A nurse in Kowloon Hospital, who is the wife of the male nurse is classified as close contact due to their domestic contacts. She was tested negative. Two staff members will need to undergo 14-day quarantine.
     The HA is working with the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health to conduct epidemiological investigation. Initial investigation indicated that the healthcare workers and their family members have attended a gathering together on December 13.
     The HA appeals to the public to avoid mass gathering and dining for festive celebrations and healthcare workers are reminded to be a role model.  Colleagues are also reminded to avoid having meals together so as to minimise the impact on other healthcare workers and patients.
     The HA will continue to work with the CHP to follow up on the cases.

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