Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre’s new exhibition “Instrumentation” leads visitors on journey of sensory challenges

     The Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre (HKVAC) from today (March 23) is holding the "Instrumentation" exhibition, which leads visitors on an extraordinary audio-visual journey through presenting art installations that integrate sculptures, sound installations, videos and site-specific pieces.

     Multidisciplinary artist Samson Young has created two art installations combining sound elements with different forms of art for the exhibition. "Possible Music #1.5 (feat. NESS & Stephan Moore)" offers visitors a unique experience by examining the ambiguous boundary between illusion and reality, through a scene of computer-simulated music being "played" on a set of musical instruments that does not exist in the real world.

     "Muted Situation #22: Muted Tchaikovsky's 5th" is a concert by a symphony orchestra. The silent concert is played onscreen with ambient sounds of flipping music scores, breathing and more. Visitors' interpretation of sound will be challenged through a unique experience of visual and aural discrepancy.

     The "Instrumentation" exhibition is presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and organised by the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre. It will run until April 14 and admission is free. For details of the exhibition, please visit HKVAC's Facebook page or www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/APO/en_US/web/apo/va_instrumentation.html or call 2521 3008.

     The HKVAC is located at 7A Kennedy Road, Central.