Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE) will host regular themed seminars from today (March 8) to support talent who have arrived in the city to adapt and settle in smoothly.
The first themed seminar was held in HKTE, 12/F, Revenue Tower, Wan Chai, this afternoon. Speakers from a recruitment agency and an online job platform outlined the trends of the local employment market and demands for outside talent, and shared with incoming talent on job searching tips in Hong Kong.
The recent questionnaire survey on talent admitted via the Top Talent Pass Scheme conducted by the Labour and Welfare Bureau revealed that incoming talent looked for support in areas including job search, accommodation, children's education, starting a business as well as local living and culture. HKTE is committed to providing support services to incoming talent and will host regular themed seminars covering employment, education, settlement, entrepreneurship to help talent arrived integrate into the community.
The Director of HKTE, Mr Anthony Lau, said, "To further strengthen the support for the development and needs of incoming talent, we will provide one-stop assistance and is expanding our network of collaborative partners. We will work closely with service providers catering for daily needs to hold themed events and diverse activities, so as to give full play to HKTE's mission and to show our talent that Hong Kong is a quality and liveable city and attract them to make the move to Hong Kong and settle here."
Talent who have arrived in Hong Kong may obtain event details from the HKTE WeChat and LinkedIn or by contacting HKTE via email (hkte@hkengage.gov.hk).
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