Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme opens for applications

     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (November 2) announced that the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme (HKSES) will, from today until January 12, 2021, be open for applications from eligible Hong Kong students who intend to pursue undergraduate or postgraduate studies at world-renowned universities outside Hong Kong starting from the 2021/22 academic year.
     A spokesman for the EDB said, "As a merit-based scheme targeting the most outstanding Hong Kong students, the HKSES seeks to cultivate a cadre of brilliant young achievers with global vision, international networks and world-class education, who will return home to enrich Hong Kong's talent pool and competitiveness in the long run. Selection will be based on candidates' academic achievements and other attributes such as leadership qualities and potential as well as their contributions and commitment to society. Awardees are required to complete their specific study programmes and undertake to return to Hong Kong upon graduation to work for at least two years or a period equivalent to the duration of the scholarship received, whichever is the longer."
     All awardees will receive a non-means-tested scholarship to cover their tuition fees, subject to a ceiling of $300,000 per annum. In addition, a means-tested bursary will be granted to students who may need additional support to pursue their studies, subject to a ceiling of $200,000 per student per annum, to cover their living and study-related expenses. The value of the award will be correspondingly reduced if an awardee also receives other awards, both locally and abroad, or assistance to finance his or her same studies overseas.
     Apart from the monetary reward, the value of the HKSES lies in its prestige and recognition as well as other non-monetary benefits. Awardees will receive a series of support and mentorship services to be rendered by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and other sectors of the community.
     More details on the HKSES are available at the HKSES website (hkses.edb.gov.hk). Eligible students who intend to pursue their first year of undergraduate or postgraduate studies at world-renowned universities outside Hong Kong in the 2021/22 academic year (i.e. during the period from August 2021 to July 2022) may submit their applications for scholarship online via the application system at the HKSES website on or before January 12, 2021, by 6pm.
     Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend interviews for the scholarship from April 2021 onwards after receiving unconditional offers from their chosen programmes. They will be notified of the results in due course after the interviews.