Hong Kong participates actively in fourth China International Import Expo

     The fourth China International Import Expo (CIIE) is being held starting from today (November 5) at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. About 240 Hong Kong enterprises participate in it to promote a wide array of quality Hong Kong products and services to exhibitors and buyers from around the world.
     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau, said, "The CIIE is an important platform for Hong Kong enterprises to explore the domestic market. Hong Kong has been participating in it since its launch in 2018. The number of participating Hong Kong enterprises has increased from over 160 in the first edition to about 240 this year, up by 50 per cent, reflecting that Hong Kong enterprises attach great importance to the market potential of the Mainland and the golden opportunity presented by the CIIE to reach new clients."

     Among the participating Hong Kong enterprises this year, 57 of them showcase their products and services at the Hong Kong Services Zone and the Hong Kong Product Zone set up by Hong Kong Trade Development Council at the CIIE venue. These include food, logistics, infrastructure and construction, design, licensing, information and communication technologies, innovative technologies and professional services. The Hong Kong Services Zone, under the theme "Channelling Global Business through Hong Kong", highlights the opportunities and role of Hong Kong under the National 14th Five-Year Plan. The exhibition area of Invest Hong Kong in the Zone underlines Hong Kong's advantages and role as a connecting platform under the national dual circulation strategy, while that of Hong Kong Tourism Board promotes Hong Kong's diverse tourism appeals.

     "As our country's development has progressed to a new pattern of domestic and international dual circulation, Hong Kong's role has evolved in tandem to become a connecting platform under the national dual circulation strategy, channelling international flow of merchandise trade, logistics, services, talents, capitals, investments, collaborations, etc. with our country. Hong Kong can help Mainland enterprises enter overseas markets, and at the same time help bring in global products to meet the demand of the huge Mainland market," said Mr Yau.
     Furthermore, in response to the China International Import Expo Bureau's invitation, Hong Kong also participates in the people-to-people and cultural exchange comprehensive image exhibition for the first time to introduce the diverse intangible cultural heritage of Hong Kong. Hong Kong young people who are studying in the Eastern China region are invited to serve as volunteers to receive visitors at the Hong Kong exhibition area.

     The CIIE will run for six days until November 10.