Hong Kong Observatory Calendar 2019 on sale

     The Hong Kong Observatory Calendar 2019 will go on sale tomorrow (December 7).
     The photos in the calendar echo the 2019 World Meteorological Day theme of "The Sun, the Earth and the Weather". The cover photo, "Sunshine Bridge", which was taken by a Hong Kong photographer, was also used in the 2019 Calendar of the World Meteorological Organization. The other photos in the calendar are winning entries from the "Cloud-sourcing: In Touch with Weather from Land, Sea and Air" Photo and Video Collection Campaign and the second "Sky of Silver Age" Photo Competition organised earlier, while the photo for September is a satellite picture showing the moment of Super Typhoon Mangkhut reaching its maximum intensity in 2018.    
     Each calendar photo has a quick response code for readers to access to information about the photo. The calendar also contains useful climate and astronomical information, including monthly climatological data and special climatological events, the times for the rising and setting of the sun and the moon, dates of eclipses of the sun and the moon, as well as tidal information.
     At $50 a copy, the calendar is an ideal Christmas and New Year gift for friends and relatives. It is on sale at the Hong Kong Observatory's Resource Centre, the Publications Sales Unit of the Information Services Department and the Kowloon Map Publications Centre of the Lands Department. The calendar is also available through the online Government Bookstore at www.bookstore.gov.hk.