Hong Kong Legal Cloud services officially launched today


     The Hong Kong Legal Cloud services was launched today (March 1) to provide safe, secure and affordable data storage services for the local legal and dispute resolution sectors, thereby enhancing the capability of the profession to harness modern technology in the provision of relevant services.

     The Hong Kong Legal Cloud is an advanced and user-friendly online facility situated in Hong Kong. All the information will be stored in the cloud servers hosted locally. Relevant services will be provided by the eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre, a non-profit making organisation. In addition to providing funding support for the sectors under the Anti-epidemic Fund to upgrade information technology systems and promote online dispute resolution services, the Department of Justice (DoJ) also set up the Hong Kong Legal Cloud Fund to subsidise eligible local legal and dispute resolution professionals for free subscription to the Hong Kong Legal Cloud services for up to three years.

     The Hong Kong Legal Cloud Fund, administered by the Asian Academy of International Law (AAIL) on a pro bono basis, will finance the setup cost and initial operational and promotion costs through disbursement of the actual subscription fees as incurred by eligible subscribers to the service provider.

     The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, highlighted that the use of technology in the provision of legal services is an important area of development. As set out in the 2020 Policy Address, the DoJ is tasked with actively promoting the development of the Hong Kong Legal Cloud, an online facility equipped with advanced information security technology, to provide safe, secure and affordable data storage services for the local legal and dispute resolution industries, so as to promote the long-term development of Hong Kong's overall legal and dispute resolution services.

     Ms Cheng also expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the eBRAM and the AAIL for supporting the department's lawtech initiatives, and enabling the sector to make use of lawtech to better adapt to the new normal under the pandemic.

     For more details on the Hong Kong Legal Cloud, please visit the department's webpage and the Hong Kong Legal Cloud Portal designated website.

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