Hong Kong greenhouse gas inventory for 2017 released


     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (July 31) released the 2017 greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory for Hong Kong.

     Hong Kong's total GHG emissions in 2017 amounted to 40.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e), representing a decrease of about 2.4 per cent compared with 2016. The per capita GHG emissions and carbon intensity were about 5.5 tonnes and 0.015 kg CO2-e per Hong Kong Dollar GDP respectively. Electricity generation was the major source of emission, amounting to 26.6 million tonnes or 65.4 per cent of the total. Other major emission sources were the transport sector (17.8 per cent) and waste management (6.9 per cent). It is observed that Hong Kong's GHG emissions have shown a decreasing trend since 2014.

     Details of the 2017 GHG inventory can be found on the EPD website (www.climateready.gov.hk/page.php?id=23&lang=1).

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