Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected cocaine (with photo)

     Hong Kong Customs yesterday (May 14) seized about 4.5 kilograms of suspected cocaine with an estimated market value of about $5 million at Hong Kong International Airport.

     Customs officers examined an air express parcel from Colombia being transshipped to the Mainland of China through Hong Kong yesterday. The batch of suspected cocaine, black in colour instead of the conventional white colour, was found concealed inside a deflated rubber boat. It is believed that that culprits intended to use this approach to evade detection by law enforcers.

     Investigation is ongoing.

     Customs will continue to make use of intelligence analysis, risk assessment and international co-operation to combat drug trafficking activities.

     Under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, trafficking in a dangerous drug is a serious offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $5 million and life imprisonment.

     Members of the public may report any suspected drug trafficking activities to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk).
